Picture of the Day No. 77 – The Russell Choir Cottage of St. Mary’s Church

No. 77

The Russell Choir Cottage of St. Mary’s Church of Ardmore, Pa. located in Stone Harbor is available for rent back in 1916.

A page from a real estate brochure contained in the Stone Harbor Museum archives advertises the availability of the “St. Mary’s Choir Bungalow” for rent.

Here is what that ad stated: “Sunset Drive at 94th Street, directly on Great Channel.  Contains accommodation for party of 40 ladies or gentlemen.  Fully equipped, kitchen, dining room and linen closet.  Rent, furnished, $32 per week for party of 30; $40 for party of 40.  Electric lights and conveniences.  Season. June 15th to October 1st”.

This large house has a sizable porch or open deck to the rear facing the bay which certainly afforded guests the opportunity to enjoy many fine sunsets.