“THE STONE HARBOR BOARDWALK STILL LIVES ON IN POST CARDS” The first post card image shown here bears the...

Harlan’s History
Post Cards from the Past
Harlan Radford was born and raised in South Jersey and while growing up his family would spend their vacationing at Stone Harbor usually at C-7 Weber Court. He has a particular love of Stone Harbor and its rich history. Currently retired, Harlan was a high school Social Studies teacher for 34 years in the northeast Ohio community where he now resides. He has always had a strong interest in the Jersey Shore and has been collecting post cards most of his life. Harlan belongs to numerous historical society’s and has been writing for the Historical Society of Riverton (N.J.) for 20 years.
Harlan reestablished his connections to Stone Harbor this past year and we are pleased to announce that he has agreed to write a series of short histories derived from postcards for the Stone Harbor Museum website. We are excited to announce that these pieces of Harlan’s Histories will start appearing on Fridays. Stay tuned for his first history on Friday, January 7th

Harlan Radford